Lime Mortar | Preparation | Precautions

Lime Mortar | Preparation | Precautions

Lime mortar is formed by mixing lime, sand, and water. The lime used for mortar could also be fat lime (quick or hydrous lime) or hydraulic lime. Fat lime includes a high burnt lime content.

Its hardening depends on the loss of water and also the absorption of carbonic acid gas from the atmosphere and might be recrystallized at the correct time. The hydraulic sedimentary rock contains a little quantity of oxide, chemical compound|aluminium oxide|corundom|corundum} and iron oxide.

When mixed with water it forms a putty or mortar that has the property of setting and hardening below water. Slacked fat lime is employed to form mortar for daubing, whereas hydraulic lime is employed for stone construction and is additionally suited to the development of chimneys and also the lightweight structure of buildings. Lime mortar mix ratios for various styles of work

Given in Table twelve.2.

Lime mortar has high physical property and playability, sensible cohesion with alternative surfaces, and low shrinkage. They harden and develop strength, gaining strength endlessly for a protracted time.

Fatty lime mortars don’t set however solely harden as water is lost thanks to absorption (from stone components) and evaporation. The energy gain could be a slow reaction of lime with carbonic acid gas absorbed by the air


Manual mix:

The required amount of lime and sand is placed on the ground or tank that doesn’t penetrate (Figure twelve. 2). The parts area unit completely dried and mixed by turning the spades up and down. The water is additional till the uniform color and consistency of the mortar area unit is obtained and also the mixture is recurrent with spades.

lime mortar

Mill mix:

The mills wont to create lime mortar in underdeveloped countries could also be operated with knives or ghani oxen (Figure twelve.3) whereas the pawn mill (Figure twelve.4) is employed in developed countries.

In the case of Ghanni, the desired quantities of place area unit put during a trench and grinded for one hundred to two hundred rounds by moving a stone roller.

The operation takes concerning two to three hours for every batch mix; The time needed to pawn mill is extremely short.


Lime mortar or powder ought to be unbroken wet till used and in any case, its drying isn’t allowed. Mortar manufactured from hydraulic lime ought to be consumed each day and 2-3 days with fat lime.

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  1. MIxing of mortar
  2. test on stones


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